BXD MyOneBank

AI & Web 3
Technology Partner
MyOneBank Green Fintech Project


Our UK-based start-up is a development arm of the international MyOneBank project, providing software development and technology services.

Green Fintech

A mix of technology and finance, green fintech helps the planet by promoting environmental sustainability and financial empowerment.


The world’s first full service cryptocurrency bank using commodity-backed and technology-hedged assets to offer currency-ready stablecoins & tokens with appreciating value.

The Need in a Nutshell

Fiat currencies lack intrinsic value, always depreciate over time, serve primarily the interests of the state and have an average lifespan of 35 years.

• The US dollar has lost more than 96% of its value since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 with 85% value loss just since 1971 when the gold standard was abandoned
• Pegged and non-pegged cryptocurrencies alike lack intrinsic value and are subject to high volatility and inflation that limit their practical use as a mainstream currency
• Commodity-backed currencies have intrinsic value yet cannot hide from market volatility
• MyOneBank offers stablecoins and tokens designed to robustly compete with fiat, pegged and non-pegged currencies in a multi-trillion dollar market to maximize the profitable use of commodity-backed & technology-hedged assets for the benefit of individuals within a secure and decentralized, autonomous organization (DAO) stabilized by real competition
• MyOneBank.io is fully compliant with all applicable financial & security laws and regulations offering a complete line of products and services
• MyOneBank.io was founded upon the democratic ideals of freedom, liberty, innovation, direct participation, real competition and fairness

crypto investment

The Solution

• MyOneBank offers stablecoins & tokens designed to robustly compete with fiat, pegged and non-pegged currencies in a multi-trillion dollar market to maximize the profitable use of commodity-backed & technology-hedged assets for the benefit of individuals within a secure and decentralized, autonomous organization (DAO) stabilized by real competition
• MyOneBank is fully compliant with all applicable financial & security laws and regulations offering a complete line of products and services
• MyOneBank was founded upon the democratic ideals of freedom, liberty, innovation, direct participation, real competition and fairness

International joint venture

Compliance & Ease of Use

• MyOneBank platform meets or exceeds all applicable financial and securities laws and regulations.
• MyOneBank hard asset-backed stable coins and tokens may be purchased with fiat currencies or crypto assets subject to approved exchange, and similarly exchanged for fiat as desired.

The Future of Banking is Now

MyOneBank.io is a full-service, fully compliant cryptocurrency bank offering chartered and immutable stable coins and tokens on blockchain constructed from bank-owned hard asset commodities and further up-valued by proprietary and state-of-the-art technologies.

Assets can include gold, silver, precious metals, gas, coal, timber, clean water, farmland and other
commodities. Innovation affordably up-values products made from specific commodities into the
marketplace using best available technologies (BAT) that optimize food, energy, health and financial
security while greatly reducing or altogether eliminating unwanted emissions and pollutants during their manufacture.

Yes, we can be more green, more efficient and more profitable at the same time. Consider this example: when coin and token holders choose to fractionally acquire valuable farmland, with the click of a button they may opt for remediated and restored land free from harmful chemical inputs and pesticide residues. Fully organic produce and more robust, healthy crops and livestock generate more revenue for token holders, hold more value and require fewer annual inputs. We also spend less on healthcare, so there’s that!

Real assets & commodities + Technology = Wealth Preservation and tech earnings

Individuals are free to choose what percentage of each token they wish to hold in wealth preservation assets, and may choose to up-value a percentage of their stablecoin from market sales of commodity-derived products.

For example, natural gas reserves are acquired and fractional ownership is offered to token holders. Rather than combust to power and heat (its lowest value option), state-of-the-art technologies convert the gas to higher-value products. Natural gas and coal convert to high-value fertilizers.

Likewise, timber waste efficiently converts to biogas & activated carbon that provide green fuels and
enable potable water. The products are sold into the market, and you share in the profits proportionally. In this way, you can preserve wealth, realize increased value and support best-for-humans technologies — all from the same token.

MyOneBank.io will only offer stablecoins and tokens on those real assets under full control of the bank. No pegs. No shorts. No derivatives. No fiat. 100% hard assets only.

Individuals, corporations and government may all participate transparently, fairly and equally with the same immutable rights and rules for all on a decentralized, level playing field. These features are all hardwired into the smart contract beforehand and cannot be changed by anyone. The value choices each one makes through their tokens engender real competition in the marketplace and continuously generate tangible value for the benefit of all participants.

Organizational Chart

MyOneBank Organizational Chart

Proprietary Asset Technologies

Two-thirds of all manufactured products in the world use chemical conversion technologies at their core to create more than $30 trillion dollars in value each year.

MyOneBank’s technology partners have developed and con=nue to develop far more efficient conversion processes in a wide range of uses:

• For industrial manufacturing, this means highly-efficient, localized systems that affordably create products (and jobs) far more efficiently with little or no unwanted emissions. Locally produced products are far less subject to supply chain disruptions and global tyranny.
• For healthcare, this means continuing our developments in providing cutting-edge, affordable products and services that support and optimize human health without toxicity. We obtain far more benefit and value working with our immune systems than peddling toxic substances that favor corporate profit at the expense of optimal human health.

Solving-for-one means developing and implementing technologies that best support our continued existence on this planet.

MyOneBank is designed to bring these technologies to market providing real competition for a competitive portion of that $30 trillion market. By offering fractionalized ownership of wealth storage and wealth creation in a distributed and autonomous organization (DAO), individuals can directly participate in and profit from human-first products and services that have historically been controlled by a self-interested few.

Bedrock Philosophy

Learn about solving-for-one: using chartered and immutable democratic ideals, commodity assets and human innovation to empower and benefit the lives of individual people as they themselves choose.


• free to enjoy political, social, and civil liberties
• the power to decide one’s actions, and the state of being free from restraints Freedom or confinement


• the right and the power to believe, act, and express oneself as one chooses Liberty

• being free from restriction, and having the freedom of choice


• the development and applica=on of new ideas, goods and services that beHer the lives of individuals

Direct Participation

• when individuals, without coercion or forced proxy, have the right to directly and equally benefit from the value choices that they make

Real Competition

• the bedrock of democracy providing consumers with lower prices, higher quality goods and services, greater variety and more innovation


• a level playing field between individuals, corporations and government — same rules for all

Find Out More About MyOneBank Project

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BXD Systems

Technology arm of MyOneBank.io providing AI and Web 3.0 solutions and technology support services